
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oracle vs. Google

Is Oracle Cool Again ?

That's the question that Oracle Apps insider David Haimes recently asked in a personal account of his ten years at the company. He brings up an interesting point that I was pondering as well:

"Oracle is gobbling up competitors and that is all anybody talks about when you mention you work for Oracle; nothing about our products or new technologies, it's just who we bought or who we will buy next. . . . [but] this year at Open World people were talking about cool things we are doing again, some of the highlights are Oracle Mix, Oracle Wiki, the No Slide Zone, The Unconference. It feels like we're trying new things and pushing the boundaries taking some risks."

Do you agree that Oracle is becoming an "innovative" company again? Can Oracle compare to a company with a risk-taking, cutting-edge reputation such as Google? One look at the page shows a lot of new ideas, albeit most are consumer-level widgets and not mission critical business applications (so far!).

If so, what do you think is the most innovative product/feature Oracle has launched in the last few years? It's probably not VM, which is just "yet another Xen" product. And Oracle was quite late jumping on the Web 2.0 bandwagon.

Let me know what you think by providing your comment here ... !

Have a good week,
Fiz Dosani

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